Dear Heroin,

Our Mission
Everyday millions of people are affected by addiction. Often times we don't know how many other people navigate this world with the burden of addiction. These are addicts, family members, friends, loved ones, colleagues and others. When we realize we aren't alone in our emotions, only then can we help cure this epidemic. The mission of this site is to provide a forum for people to share their emotions and realize that no matter if they are the addict themselves or someone touched by this terrible disease, that they are not alone. And that we are all hopeful for a better tomorrow.
Here we share our open letters to heroin. We say what we really feel. We realize that heroin addiction isn't about the addict, it's about the drug. We will realize that none of us are alone. Read the letters here.
In the News

Heroin scourge cuts across cultural and economic barriers
But what does a heroin user look like? We have an image, a stereotype: gaunt, gangster, slovenly, sick. We think heroin attracts only the dirty denizens of life’s back alleys. Addicts, we think, are no benefit to society. They are the “other” people. They are not us.
What is Addiction?
New York Times Opinion Pages offers up their Room for Debate.
“I used to think a drug addict was someone who lived on the far edges of society. Wild-eyed, shaven-headed and living in a filthy squat. That was until I became one...”
― Cathryn Kemp